Thursday, May 28, 2009

Difference Between Polyester & Acrylic

Lu lu Ncuume

Let's talk about trails and paths in our beautiful valley. We do this with a fantastic panoramic location in the cooler months of the year when you dive in the flowering fields or you can follow the change of livery of the trees.

countries of Forca di Valle and Cerchiara are surmounted by a large area of \u200b\u200bgrassland attributed to the summit slopes of Montagnone. The area is generally steep except for the top of a big grassy collinone locally called "Lu Ncuume, located just across the Paretone Corno Grande is one of the beautiful lookout of the valley.

Departure and arrival : Isola del Gran Sasso (400 m).

Gradient: 800 m

Rise Time: 2.30 hours

Fall Time: 1.30 hours

Difficulty: This itinerary is developed almost entirely on dirt roads .

laziest I can start walking from Forca di Valle or Cerchiara, but I think from Island, set off from the bottom of the valley helps to better perceive the different aspects of this journey.

From the historic center of Isola del Gran Sasso, we head towards the post office and go up the road behind which soon turns into a trail paved with stones. The path leads in a short time on the paved road that climbs to the village of Cesa of France. Continue on the tarmac for a few tens of meters to take a clear track which descends to the left. The dirt road is spread through fields of arriving at a crossroads near a house occupied only during summer months, here you turn right uphill on rocky terrain decided quickly reaching the ruins of the convent of San Valentino.

From the ruins continue on the main dirt road for a hundred meters until you cross marked on the right path that winds among the oaks. A stretch of steep near the path leads you over to it by going under a tunnel of concrete pavement. Climb to the right along a field along the hillside to reach a trail that takes you to the right thus reaching the first houses of Forca di Valle.

Instead of traveling the road that climbs the wide turns, follow the steep path that goes between the houses of the country. Reach the upper part of the town, next to a fountain, there is a junction where you turn left and continue following the signs wooden park. This stretch is very steep, it passes near the source of the fish, a large rock from which water flows, and you get the seat of Long Plain, which opens before the summit slopes of Montagnone.

From the saddle you head to the left on lawns and in a short time you reach the top at the top of a large grassy collinone, Lu Ncuume precisely. After a necessary pause to enjoy the magnificent view of the Gran Sasso and the entire valley of Sicily to do is get away without following the required fields which descend eastward As you proceed towards the town of Cerchiara is noted presence of a weak track in the grass which is becoming more evident.

The track at some point intersects the road that connects with the Source Cerchiara Chiavatteri, take it to the left and soon we arrive in the country. All that remains is down between the houses to go along the track which leads to the ruins of Valentine, and from there back to Isola del Gran Sasso.

Trail Running 54674 - powered by Runmap

Monday, May 25, 2009

Smiley Piercing Keloid

gir de La Frana

a month the most important communication artery of the valley (highway side) is closed due to a landslide. A huge landslide caused the closure of the SP 491 and between Tossicia Ornano Grande.
Saturday I went to look, the situation is impressive, much more than they can document these photos. In fact the ground Close Vallone came away both upstream and downstream of the road. Resists a mini piece of track next to a cement retaining wall that honestly I do not know what hills. It was Saturday afternoon and there were no workers at work (if there is indeed a work in progress) there was only a bulldozer parked. Who
news on the timing of rearrangement of this road can write a comment.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Japanese Woman Choking Man

L'Aquila, today

During the few breaks we had in Sassa immediately after the lunch hour with Nino we entered the old town of L'Aquila. For both it was a very moving event. Nino has a son, April 6 to stay in college located in the historic center and running away from the earthquake that has left everything in his room, so we went to try to retrieve his belongings.

Entering walk from the gate located in front of the Fontana Luminosa means crossing a threshold that takes you on a new dimension. There are no cars passing outside of firefighters and their vehicles. The silence is absolute, one is stunned by the situation so that nobody dare open your mouth, not even speak the three fighters that escorted us. The devastation is total, a situation so extreme as to be difficult to describe. The feeling is that everything that has somehow remained standing is so damaged as to require the demolition and rebuilding from scratch. Prop fighters and only verify the dangerousness of the buildings so that means may be in transit at least on major thoroughfares. I honestly do not know how to demolish an entire town center to rebuild it, but so as to profane this seemed the only possible solution.

arrive in Via Camponeschi where there is the goal of our pilgrimage, the Jesuit College. We find the wrong door, they handed us the key to enter does not open because the frame was forced with a crowbar, the corpus delicti has even been left behind. Fighters do not lose heart and decide to go with a range from an open window on the first floor. Once inside the main entrance of return and start using the panic. Nino follows them to the son's room on the third floor. I stay to wait out the cracks in the lobby of the college are awesome, better not risk it. I made some photos and I look around. I remain particularly impressed by a long concrete shed remained hovering at a height of 20 meters after they crumbled the pillars that held her suspended on a balcony.

the side streets are clogged with debris, it is mainly of collapsed walls but also pieces of cornices, sills, windows, travertine falls and broken. Going back to my eyes notice other details, the sign of a flower kiosk mockingly cites "Monday open", thinking that the quake occurred just at dawn on a Monday. Striking the edge of the building province which overlooks Corso Vittorio Emanuele, has a crack wide enough to wonder how he can stand it. Huge white straps keep him harnessed to the rest of the structure.

Back out in the real world, the Piazza della Fontana Luminosa. Nino and I look at a moment in your face, do not say a word, the gaze of everyone tries to convince himself it had not imagined it all.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stinger Vs Bronte Emu

Volunteers in Sassa

For seven days I was a volunteer. With six other friends with a capital We have had a hand in the field of Sassa airport.
But first things first. After the earthquake of April 6, many organizations have rallied to send resources, goods and people in L'Aquila and the other countries affected by the earthquake. The Italian Alpine Club, of which I'ma member, has been mobilized to this effect. In particular, the delegation of Abruzzo has been started to acquire the names of members who wanted to be available for one shift camps with displaced people. So when Conrad Colantoni, our chairman of the Chamber, contacted me and asked if I was available I, like many others, I have not even thought about it for a while and I said yes.
The fateful moment of my arrival in Sassa arrives April 28, in one of the many day of rain that followed after the earthquake. The camp is situated a stone's throw from the river Raio on a large lawn, the rain and the continuous change of media have turned the narrow road with gravel entering the field in a muddy swamp. The tents are so many, over 400 people sleeping here, there is a large white tent where we eat lunch and dinner, where the days are so many guys do for school.
Immediately behind the dining tent is a large camp kitchen with stove, pots, stoves, vented, a large tent and a cold storage warehouse. We do not know yet but will spend most of our days here. Nearly all because we initially deployed in groups of two neighboring fields in some Sassa than the airport. Are the fields of its surroundings, I direct and Luke come in Genzano di Sassa where there is a field with 200 people, Nino and Giuseppe go to Santa Maria Poggio while Massimo and his wife are the intended Palombara. By Luke
understand now that the activity in the field of Genzano is very low, it is essentially going to take lunch and dinner at the great table at Sassa Scalo, bring them up in Genzano and distribute them to residents in the area. For two used to be on the move as we are now seems a little 'while, and then agree with the locals decide to give our willingness to work in the large table of the field of Sassa. Luke is accustomed to working in the kitchen because of its activities as manager of refuge and I'm not sure if I get scared I peel potatoes or wash dishes.
So already the next morning to begin work at the table with a nice group of the National Association of Trento and Feltre Alpini. The work is not much and you are never still, from 7 am to 10 pm there is always something to do, even the greatest, the Nino and join us soon and after a few days added to the group, Claudio. I think we peeled potatoes equal to half the output of the Basin Fucino, clean amount of eggplant ever known in my life and washed peppers, tomatoes and salad equal to what we may be able to consume in 10 lives.
said so, it seems that we are tired and simply. But when I think back to work Sassa remember most lighthearted moments, the jokes and moments of intimacy we opened in each other. I learned about Maximus, Claudius and the special people for the simplicity and naturalness with which they know the next opening. Nino, was a revelation, the oldest of us proved to be a youngster to the enthusiasm and the readiness with which he reacted to stimuli that camp life gives us all the time. Giuseppe was an example of patience and determination, almost alone has managed the camp for a week between Santa Maria Poggio disputes within the country, the constant cold that gripped the field and engaging in many activities both internal projects for both kids and adults. Finally Luke with which I am a friend for some time already, this experience has donated even more by opening further to each other.
But in addition to the personal aspects, I am pleased to have made this experience because I finally understood what the Civil Defense, a large organization made up of people who donate their skills and their time to do something for others. A delightful setting in which no one disgusted to do the tasks most humble and where everyone can feel important. There are no recommended or higher, everyone is equal to another and all are tirelessly committed to a common purpose. I'm just a name among the many volunteers that I met, Happy Flat. And 'he who has coordinated and made sure that the volunteers of the Italian Alpine Club - Abruzzo could be of help here in L'Aquila. I hope you call us again.
Marco Flammini Minute

On the site of subsection CAI Pietracamela find this story and that of Luke. Who wants to read it just going to link this
Following are some photos of the days spent in this wonderful experience.

As always, commenting is not prohibited.
office at Camp Pagliara

dinner in the tent warehouse

The tent camp Sassa call

The field of Colle di Sassa

The field of Poggio S. Maria

Cooking Sheep to callara

The big tent camp Sassa airport.
here as well as eating it goes to school, start and shows are organized

group of volunteers of Civil Defence

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hormel Pit Ham How Long Do I Cook It For

rains in the wet

of Castiglione della Valle and the damage that this magnificent historic center has the earthquake I spoke some time ago.
Now the national media has finally begun to understand that the earthquake has stopped on the crest of the Gran Sasso but has left its trail of damage in this part of Abruzzo so far forgotten by everyone. Articles have appeared in newspapers and even television services on national networks that have examined what is happening to side of the Gran Sasso.
I have been there Tuesday, May 5. The country is currently isolated, to the detriment of the earthquake have been joined by a number of landslides that hit the only access road with cars. Particularly impressive one situated a few hundred meters from the village that has taken away most of the roadway.
If the state does not give a hand in such cases the question is what should happen to get some help.
I leave the word to the images, are more eloquent than any description.
Comments are not allowed.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dragon Age Origins Pc Save Games

We are back but our heart is still in Sassa

As announced last post, 7 members (pictured above us there is no exponent) of the section of Isola del Gran Sasso and subsection Pietracamela the Italian Alpine Club have been working for a week in the field of Sassa airport on the outskirts of the Eagle.

For details and a minimum of story you have to wait a while '(the time to write millions of sensations).