Monday, April 27, 2009

I Woke Up With A Swollen Gland

The CAI for the earthquake emergency

From tomorrow, the undersigned, together with other members of the section of Isola del Gran Sasso and subsection Pietracamela Italian Alpine Club will be displaced for a week in the fields around Sassa, a hamlet a few kilometers from L'Aquila. This activity is in solidarity and active cooperation that the sections of the Abruzzo Italian Alpine Club have decided to adopt after the catastrophic events related to the earthquake that hit different parts of our region.
The following press release written on him by the Chairman of the delegation Abruzzo, Eugene March.

Dear Friends,

I feel obliged to thank again all those who through the Italian Alpine Club have wanted to show solidarity with the people of Abruzzo as hard hit and at the same time, update on the progress of all initiatives.

After a meeting with the Prefect of L'Aquila and Dr. Agostino Miozzo,

Director of the International Relations Department of Civil Protection, which was attended by the Vice President General Dr. Godfrey Thin and friends Louis Scerri, President of CAI Lazio, and Gaetano Falcone, Vice President of CAI Abruzzo, was carried out, together with Felice Flat, indefatigable man CAI and ANA, a survey in several tent camps at the end of the long ride was decided to participate in co-management, combined with ANA Group Conegliano, fields Sassa Scalo, Genzano di Sassa, Colle di Sassa rotten, Poggio Santa Maria di Sassa, Palombara Sassa, pajaras Sassa, Colle di Sassa, Foce di Sassa addition to the field of Castelli.

The presence in the camps, duly registered and licensed with effect from 15 April to the end of the emergency with a note of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department of Civil Protection - Volunteer Office, Institutional and International Relations, will be undertaken by drawing the long list of members who have offered and their availability. As you can well understand this is a commitment that will see the CAI busy for some time, and therefore, in order to answer coordinated and finalized as usual request, I ask everyone who has expressed his willingness to work in the area, and that would be activated immediately, be patient because in time there will be room for all and free labor.

The great desire to go "live", we made sections of the Assembly held in Teramo Abruzzo CAI April 18 last year, and to ensure that our beautiful region back to being a point reference of an eco-friendly tourism linked to the beauty of our mountain environment have emerged with great force in the Assembly itself, which carry a summary prepared by his friend Philip Di Donato

'E' was an opportunity that, in the presence of many delegates, allowed to stay close to members of the Eagle and all the earthquake victims and to decide how to continue activities in 2009.

The watchwords of this important day, with direct messages and effective, were:




A large and sorrowful presence of presidents and other delegates, speechless in the minute of silence, has been tightened around the victims of the earthquake of 6 April and to the friends of CAI Aquila, with President Bruno Marconi, Vice President of CAI and Abruzzo Gaetano Falcone Gianluca Torpedo Youth of alpinism, present and courageous witnesses to what has painfully L'Aquila overwhelmed and countries, but also the will to start again and rise again.

President Eugenio Di Marzio, greet with warmth and emotion in the presentation, information meetings with the staff of the Civil Protection Guido Bertolaso, how organized and carried out in some camps and the need to continue this good work Sectional with new groups who turns 2, show the value Link function performed by Felice Flat, CAI Aquila, with the Civil Defense and the National Alpine Association. He points out the closeness and solidarity of the CAI National, starting with President General Annibale Salsa and many of the presidents of GR CAI, recalling the fundraising appeal for the CAI, endorsed also by Uncem and Federbim. Now comes the hardest part is that of reconstruction, of being with continuity and effectiveness and also indicate the opportunity to organize a structure CAI in Civil Protection.

The possibility of joining the Civil Defence has been taken positively all interventions in the debate, beginning with Bruno Marconi.

the presidency of Luigi De Angelis, CAI President Teramo, these Sections of CAI Carseldine, Castelli Civitella Bush, Chieti, Faridabad, Guardiagrele, Isola del Gran Sasso, Lanciano, L'Aquila, Loreto Aprutino, Ortona , Penne, Pescara, Teramo, Vasto and Otp: Hiking, TAM and Science, Youth Mountaineering School, Gran Sasso, CEA "The Eaglet". Also present was the Regional Chairman CNSAS.

approved were the minutes of the S. Eufemia a Majella 20:12:08 (PE), the Financial Statement 2008 and the 2009 budget, with a call to find every possible opportunity to support the Fund for the earthquake victims of the CAI of Abruzzo.

paying attention to the new corporate structure of the CAI National Assembly have been appointed members to the Central Council Enzo Cori Vincent Torti and the Vice President General.

The work showed that CAI wants to engage in improving understanding and communication, with the intention of networking, increasing visibility, coordinating and finalizing the programs and activities between Sections, OTP, Region, Parks and other local authorities.

The CAI wants to be an active part both in helping the earthquake victims, and to develop social and economic integration of the Abruzzo mountains that were not directly affected by the earthquake, but involved in a negative image that scares away. Planned initiatives in this direction, local and national, the Mountain Festival in 2009 and between the day on the Costa Trabocchi (May 17) Week and National Festival (June 20 to 26) should help to boost the image a mountainous Abruzzo engaged in solidarity and protection of mountain areas, which can be visited and which is capable of receiving and

accommodate all fans, hikers and mountaineers.

to incorporate such important considerations the Assembly has made its two motions on the themes of solidarity and protection of the Highlands.


Motion 1

Sections CAI Abruzzo devote every initiative in 2009 in solidarity with the collection of funds for the earthquake victims and to revitalize the valuable natural, cultural and sustainable tourism in the mountains of Abruzzo


Motion 2

Recognizing international value to the mountains of Abruzzo (good of humanity) Sections CAI Abruzzo point out that the territory is mountainous and it is common to all area of \u200b\u200bshared responsibility and, therefore, initiatives and interventions have to be shared between Departments, coordinated and endorsed by the CAI Abruzzo.

Among the many events organized the NATIONAL WEEK OF THIS, the first in the Mediterranean, organized by the Central Commission for Hiking and CAI Abruzzo with a path that runs through all the National Park of Abruzzo, it could become, with a large participation in the great excursion of solidarity.

may in fact this is the moment that combines the proximity affective, realized through the assistance donated by DC NATIONAL ITALIAN ALPINE CLUB - UNCEM - FEDERBIM No. 500X36 payable to "FUNDRAISING FOR THE CAI ABRUZZO" IBAN IT42 F056 9601 6200 0000 0500 X36, the human fact of personal relationships both are accomplished through hiking and other activities of our Club

BOX Hiking Week reservations (by May 15):

e-mail: - \u200b\u200bcell. 3312485733 - fax 0861.976202



Chieti April 21, 2009

Italian Alpine Club - Abruzzo

(Eugenio Di Marzio)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Cool Things To Do With A Ipod Touch

Volunteers in the field of Fossa

The Civil Defence of Montopoli Sabina contacted me to update its appeal published last week. The volunteers in question are located in the pit, there is strong preference for electricians and plumbers, but we also welcome general applications. The period from which must be available from mid June onwards.

add an important element for all employees who wish to volunteer. Presidential Decree 194/2001 establishes in Article 9 that the employer is required to allow the voluntary activities of member organizations, volunteer worker for a period not exceeding thirty consecutive days and up to a maximum of ninety year . The regulations provide a refund for the employers.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Blaupunkt Gta 4 Special Mkii Scheme Of Wiring

Once upon a time Castiglione della Valle

Colledara, my country, began as a cluster of houses scattered. It 's a dynamic typical of many rural towns to slowly blend together a series of small villages to turn them into a single urban center. When I was a child Caranci, Colledara country (some even call the Cape of Colle), Pantani, and Villa Chiovato Ilii mini groups of houses were separated by areas of cultivated land. The distance between them was not excessive, a few hundred meters, but was still sufficient to give the impression of being in front of an independent set of fractions.
Today, the country has grown, a number of houses with gardens combine together the various towns of the past, probably only Villa Ilii still retains the characteristics of the past. Here until a few years ago there was even an elementary school where, among other things, the undersigned, passed the second exam (At that time still did, I know, I'm old ...). This urban layout
Colledara obviously made a very different town than the others in the Valle Siciliana. In practice it was the only one not to have grown around an old town. But it was not always so. My grandfather, for example, born at the end of 1800 is not listed as being born in Colledara but anagrafe is born in Castiglione della Valle.
Castiglione della Valle (in ancient Castrum Leonis Vallis) is the ancient town of the area, he held this office until 1909 the year in which the municipal seat was transferred to Colledara for convenience. Colledara was located in a much more central compared to the rest of the valley, had many more inhabitants, the doctor's office, the bank and then the road to get to Castiglione was a disaster, every time it rained it slid a piece.
One of the earliest memories I have of Castiglioni, as we call it, goes back to my old childish. Don Robert, the pastor of Colledara often in the afternoon took a bunch of us kids, we loaded his six hundred and take us with him in Castiglione della Valle. The road (it was still dirt was paved only two years ago) falls in a valley in the middle of a maze of ditches. The climate is perpetually wet below and helps to maintain a lush vegetation of plants of all kinds, from the willow oaks. Beautiful places of nature so as to merit the establishment in 1990 of the Territorial Park "River Fiumetto, regional protected area of \u200b\u200b74 hectares of which the ancient town is an integral part.
The town is situated on top of a spur at the confluence with the river Fiumetto, getting here was and still is a bit 'a journey back in time, especially if you walk along a trail in the park instead of the paved road. A time off to Castiglioni was always a little 'unknown, especially after heavy rains we wondered: "Who knows if the road is caved before the bridge?" I remember very well that the short stretch today reinforced concrete beams, it was once held together by some embankments created with a series of rods driven into the ground.
(Photo by Pasquale Pichinelli)

For the rest Castiglione offers the same charm and atmosphere of old, narrow streets and stone houses are surrounded by a silence broken only by the sound of water flowing down low in the ditches that surround the country. Only four families living in this paradise, four families from 6 April 2009 have been displaced. The whole country was declared unfit for use. The earthquake has left its mark very evident here, has even opened the door of the building of the old Town Hall. Huge cracks are visible on virtually every building, structural damage to wonder if these will ever be possible to carry out a consolidation without them killed.

Colledara If you do not fall between the municipalities for which it was declared a natural disaster this place is destined to die and with it the historical memory of its inhabitants. And you know, a country that is unable to preserve their culture and their history has no future.

It is not forbidden to comment on this post.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Eating Disorder Recovery Hair Thicker


last week with my colleagues and Kataweb those of my wife to Rome Resources (municipal company of the municipality of Rome) have made a new crop of material for survivors of the earthquake. Richiestaci all stuff directly from the tent city of Coppito (a colleague of my wife is from there) and we brought directly to the field Saturday morning.
It 's the third time I come in Abruzzo since there was the big shock on April 6. Driving along the A24, past the tunnel of San Rocco and the toll of Tornimparte, you begin to descend towards the Aterno. The first thing you notice from the highway overpass is that the landscape has been enriched by the presence of a new color up to two weeks does not exist, and the cobalt blue of the curtains. There are blue spots a little more or less big 'everywhere, on the outskirts of the countries or within them, sometimes in large gardens near the houses.
near the exit of Aquila West highway makes a big curve to the left and passes near the industrial zone. The large parking lot near the mall where there is CONAD has now become a huge tent city, but from here on, the tents are almost everywhere and the houses were left standing are all closed, almost always with the blinds drawn.
despite the toll it is too soon there is already a bit 'in a row, they are all in line to pay the toll, the pillars of civil protection are included. The displaced people who want to make the toll free granted to them by the Parks Highway to fill a long self-certification form, almost all give up their dignity and to prevent others remain bottled in a giant traffic jam.
To go to the tent city erected in the field of sports Coppito transiting through the outskirts of the capital of Abruzzo, almost all buildings are bulging with huge cracks, appear to have been inflated to capacity until the surrender of the structures. I have the camera but I can not even think of using it, I seem to desecrate something that's already been plenty of media profiteering.
arrive at the camp and comes to us Fiore, Luke's a nice guy who lives for years here in a couple, is a soldier stationed in L'Aquila and is responsible for organizing the tent city. He tells us many things, most impressive is that they are without light, they request ten days ago but still does not arrive. They managed to do light up the table with an electric wire connected to the makeshift bar in the football field. The tents are not heated, and 500 people live there in the night it is really cold. A scout arrives, greets us warmly and Fiore tells us how much has changed his mind about them, "are helping us a lot." But generally hovers around the field a very collaborative each volunteer at the camp has a job and do it with great enthusiasm.
Download our cars, we brought the material is immediately cataloged and placed in storage containers. In doing so they reveal nothing of the dozens of people who ask with great discretion if the case had come to the sheet or single cells that had requested a few days ago. There is also a voice that asks "who by chance came the shoes?"
This shoe is one thing that left me thrilled when she got the list of things required to camp. I had also called for me to confirm, I could not believe that two weeks before the event on April 6, there were still people without shoes. And yet ...
exiting the field, going to my country and after the earthquake Teramo forgotten everything and everyone thought the lies spread by the handful from journalists on the main national media. How different was the reality seen with my own eyes than what my colleagues in the national media. Anyone who comes just for half an hour in a tent city quickly notice how everything is precarious and linked the initiative of individuals. But no journalist will ever have the courage to say so, no one will ever do hard questions, who dares to shed light even in small part on the history of earthquakes is open to criticism and fierce and immediate risks to human and professional isolation by his colleagues. The same people who prefer to do by megaphone to the claims of senior state investigations on the judiciary "Please do not waste time, try to use it on reconstruction and not after things that have happened by now."
Try to say it face to those who lost their families and their homes. Do it if you dare .

Friday, April 17, 2009

Vest Justin Timberlake

The domino effect Shock the Valley looking for volunteers to go Vomano

One of the first thoughts I had when it passed the earthquake, the strong one on April 6, so to speak, was: who knows what happened to the lake and dams in the valley Vomano.

Thereafter, the seismic shift toward Campotosto has exacerbated this concern. Now talk about all of this great lake, 1,400 acres, I do not know how many millions of cubic meters of water, which rises to an altitude of over 1,300 meters.

Let's look better, as it formed? The lake is located on a former peat bog, which was flooded due to being closed in the 30s through three different dams. The first bank is located a few meters from the town of Poggio Cancelli, just above the houses of the country, here's a photo ( ) quite explanatory of its location.

A second dam in , picture , (do not be surprised, the lake usually freezes in winter) is located in the eastern part of the lake in the area that hangs over the upper valley of Vomano. A third dam, but overlooks the narrow valley of the Rio Fucino also tributary of the river which flows in Vomano in the neighborhood of Aprati (village of Croghan), this barrier is used as an emissary of the lake and has served in recent days considerably lowering the water level of the basin.

The lake is part of a complex water system for the production of electricity to which they belong integral two other reservoirs located a little further down the winding, narrow valley Vomano. A first branch is that of Providence (see photo of Rolling Riders MTB ) which follows the further downstream a second smaller basin, with a cap to Piaganini Acito of 217 cubic meters ( see photo Fabrizio Sulli).

The three reservoirs are all part of the basin Vomano side of the valley, a valley up to a few hundred meters from the town of Montorio al Vomano is narrow and winding, with more akin to a real groove with respect to a Valley Classic, in a nutshell is a long natural funnel. The fact that the larger basin, which is to Campotosto, is also one located further upstream is a major concern. Its eventual failure would trigger a domino effect where the effects are obvious. Beyond the Valley of the figure as a city with nine thousand inhabitants Montorio and later to the coast there are many other towns of a certain size.

With this paper I do not want to alarm anyone, of course, at this stage there is not really needed, but only to explain how this area is shaped from a territorial point of view. Know what you are talking is always better.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

500 Facial Compilation

in Abruzzo

I receive and gladly divulge this mail came from the Civil Protection of Montopoli Sabina recruiting volunteers for camps in Abruzzo. I have spoken personally on the phone with the manager, so the news is verified.
The undersigned is already a week in the list of volunteers from the section of the Italian Alpine Club of Isola del Gran Sasso in Italy and then start with another group, but for all those who wish to be available and do not know how to make c 'is the opportunity.

The Civil Defence of Montopoli Sabina (Base 2001) needs volunteers willing to work: serving, general assistance to the displaced and relief workers and whatever may be necessary (the priorities are constantly changing).
The situation is this:

We are creating a calendar where you can enter the availability of volunteers to travel to the camp for displaced people of Fossa (AQ) (COM 2: Operational Centre of the Lazio Region 2 Mobile ). The Civil Protection
Sabina Lower Base 2001 has a tent with eight beds.
It requires the sustained presence of 3 to 4 volunteers for a great time and a maximum of 3 to 4 days.
Volunteers will be joined by four other experienced members of the Civil Protection Base, 2001.
The types of work required will be: serving and specialized assistance to rescuers (eg: bring water to the fire brigade), or other Manzione which may vary depending on the evolving needs.
Until cease emergency situation you can go to L'Aquila if you are part of a Civil Protection is already operating in the area.
If your area of \u200b\u200borigin, already an active civil defense, first ask them if they need help: is preferred.
If you do not need, please contact us.
Subscribe to a Civil Protection (Registration is free and includes insurance cover). Entries will take place at our theater, in Via Pietro Nenni 17, 02047 Poggio Mirteto (Rieti), or otherwise be agreed in advance with our Civil Defence Units.
E 'possible to make the registration via e-mail.
E 'need to register in order to enter the territories affected by the earthquake, otherwise you will not be passed through.
2 do not need curtains, but it is necessary to bring a sleeping bag or blanket, when the tents are not heated (the nights are -3 ° and 30 ° days). 3
bring many changes of clothing. There are no showers (stay 3 to 4 days maximum stay).
- work trousers, or at least comfortable (no jeans).
- Many T-shirts.
- fluorescent bib (also of the type used for cars): You should always be recognizable to operate in the fields. On bibs and car will bear the logo of the Civil Protection of the Lower Sabine "Base 2001".
- safety shoes or other shoes (no heels or sandals).
- Masks for dust.
- Work gloves, and latex gloves if possible.
- Linen. It wipes to wash. (There are no showers)
- You have to be independent if you need medicines (since it is strongly recommended to people who have labyrinthitis or problems with nausea, dizziness or balance, because the earth still trembles all the time).
- If you have a helmet (construction) take it, otherwise you will be provided on site.
4 E 'cars will be an excellent thing. Make sure your car is in good condition, because in the earthquake zone there is no breakdown of course (if the machine breaks down the left there).
E 'perfect if you already organized into groups of 3-4 people. If you're not the car organizzaremo us, so start with just one car.
you must provide in advance the Targa and the model of your car.
To access the affected areas need to be registered. In any case it will be a member of our Civil Defence to take the point control. The need to call when you are coming. This must cease until a state of emergency.
If you come from afar, it is possible to base our residence at the Theatre since the day before departure (via Pietro Nenni 17, 02047 Poggio Mirteto, Rieti - from here to get to L'Aquila are 2 -3 hours depending on travel the condition of roads). E 'and ideal to start from here by 6.30 am, as it is ideal to stay on the field
3 to 4 days, so as to have a continued experience. Let's also still available for a single day.
For those coming by train should alight at Poggio Mirteto (you must pass through the city of Rieti, but take the metro FM1 from Rome Tiburtina, Rome Ostiense or Orte).
- Move to eat. (In the volunteers can eat at the table after the evacuees, however, the volunteers of our Civil Defense, do not wait for the timing of the row are cooked in their own kitchen
field) - bring a tent.
Car owner - is not _ _
Make and model car

Surname Date of Birth Place of Birth


Anyone available can Contact: 0765 24699

numbers at Teatro

Andrea 328 1125107 380 4685062 329 0148266 Lidia
by entering the address in question
on our page. FaceBook "Theater of Adverse Conditions."
On behalf of:
"Civil Defense Base 2001"
Ternana Via 65, 02034 Montopoli Sabina (Rieti)

Theatre Adverse Conditions [or ] Compagnia del Melograno
Workshop Cultural Society and the Lower Sabine
Andrea Maurizi
Via della Torre 18-02034 Montopoli Sabina [Rieti]
328.1125107 - 0765.24699 [theater]

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Creative 21st Birthday Facebook Titles


reading the national newspapers it seems that the emergence of these days is confined to 'Aquila. There is much talk of Aterno, we often hear about the area and sometimes Campotosto plateau of the Rocche. The rest is silence almost deafening. And 'as if the earthquake had explained his destructive force within the geographical boundaries defined. Yet there were also significant damage elsewhere, even, in some places are increasing in these last days. The latest shock with an epicenter around Lake Campotosto have caused several injuries and slumps in many municipalities of Teramo.

The situation is particularly delicate in Pietracamela, where people sleeping in makeshift shelters on the night of April 6. The mayor informed me that it has no curtains wide and spacious older people prefer to sleep on a bus ARPA. A tent 8 / 10 seats with 20 cots and 20 sleeping bags were purchased with a subscription by many friends and members of the subsection of the Cai Pietracamela. More details are available on the website of subsection

Displaced increase in Teramo from day to day, crack open any new shock, injury and causes micro-collapse. Castelli are damaged many buildings in the center, the museum of ceramics and the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, which is at risk of collapse. He holds the beautiful church of San Donato with its famous ceiling covered with ceramic tiles. We are assessing the damage to the Mother Church in the center of the country, in case of unavailability would constitute a danger to all the neighboring houses. Unable to use even the doctor's office, but fortunately the first geological surveys carried out on the ridge on which the country has shown worrying cracks.

more or less serious damage in many other municipalities in the foothills of the Gran Sasso and further downstream until Teramo and St. Nicholas in Tordino where several buildings are uninhabitable. The first surveys of the firefighters, assisted by technical teams has led to the evacuation of 180 buildings within the sole province of Teramo.
At this point, and endure the earthquake, it is hoped that the creation of COM (Joint Operations Centre) strong demand from municipalities in the foothills at the meeting on the afternoon of Easter Monday, is the first step to take note of the serious situation which is also experiencing this part of Abruzzo. The COM should lead quickly to the official recognition of the state of emergency prerequisite to enable after the reconstruction.

For those who do not know what is the COM (I had not heard about until yesterday) is an organization coordinated by the Abruzzo region, based in Montorio al Vomano which will coordinate all the institutions in that area (municipalities, provinces, prefecture), drawing on the work of many professionals have become available free of charge (architects, geologists, surveyors and engineers) will carry out a detailed census of the affected buildings.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Elastic Wristband Meaning

Earthquake An earthquake in Sicily Valle

Even our beloved valley been involved by the seismic events of recent days. Several houses have been damaged a bit but mainly Castles' in all municipalities in the area. A Colledara were declared uninhabitable housing.

At this time in the parking underneath the monastery of San Gabriel is setting up a tent for the reception of displaced persons Aquila not only but also for those of surrounding municipalities.

The most serious event that hit the community of the valley was certainly the death of Paul Verzillo student Forca di Valle died Sunday night in the collapse of the house of Aquila to stay for study purposes.

But the panic that hit the population creates a social situation very difficult. The fact that the strongest shock so far have occurred mainly in the evening or at night put everyone in a position of uncertain pending against the nth shock. No longer sleep at home, organized themselves for who can go home with friends or relatives, the more they sleep in the car or in a tent in the gardens.

In the coming days I will be in the area, if I try to update you with more news.