Thursday, April 16, 2009

500 Facial Compilation

in Abruzzo

I receive and gladly divulge this mail came from the Civil Protection of Montopoli Sabina recruiting volunteers for camps in Abruzzo. I have spoken personally on the phone with the manager, so the news is verified.
The undersigned is already a week in the list of volunteers from the section of the Italian Alpine Club of Isola del Gran Sasso in Italy and then start with another group, but for all those who wish to be available and do not know how to make c 'is the opportunity.

The Civil Defence of Montopoli Sabina (Base 2001) needs volunteers willing to work: serving, general assistance to the displaced and relief workers and whatever may be necessary (the priorities are constantly changing).
The situation is this:

We are creating a calendar where you can enter the availability of volunteers to travel to the camp for displaced people of Fossa (AQ) (COM 2: Operational Centre of the Lazio Region 2 Mobile ). The Civil Protection
Sabina Lower Base 2001 has a tent with eight beds.
It requires the sustained presence of 3 to 4 volunteers for a great time and a maximum of 3 to 4 days.
Volunteers will be joined by four other experienced members of the Civil Protection Base, 2001.
The types of work required will be: serving and specialized assistance to rescuers (eg: bring water to the fire brigade), or other Manzione which may vary depending on the evolving needs.
Until cease emergency situation you can go to L'Aquila if you are part of a Civil Protection is already operating in the area.
If your area of \u200b\u200borigin, already an active civil defense, first ask them if they need help: is preferred.
If you do not need, please contact us.
Subscribe to a Civil Protection (Registration is free and includes insurance cover). Entries will take place at our theater, in Via Pietro Nenni 17, 02047 Poggio Mirteto (Rieti), or otherwise be agreed in advance with our Civil Defence Units.
E 'possible to make the registration via e-mail.
E 'need to register in order to enter the territories affected by the earthquake, otherwise you will not be passed through.
2 do not need curtains, but it is necessary to bring a sleeping bag or blanket, when the tents are not heated (the nights are -3 ° and 30 ° days). 3
bring many changes of clothing. There are no showers (stay 3 to 4 days maximum stay).
- work trousers, or at least comfortable (no jeans).
- Many T-shirts.
- fluorescent bib (also of the type used for cars): You should always be recognizable to operate in the fields. On bibs and car will bear the logo of the Civil Protection of the Lower Sabine "Base 2001".
- safety shoes or other shoes (no heels or sandals).
- Masks for dust.
- Work gloves, and latex gloves if possible.
- Linen. It wipes to wash. (There are no showers)
- You have to be independent if you need medicines (since it is strongly recommended to people who have labyrinthitis or problems with nausea, dizziness or balance, because the earth still trembles all the time).
- If you have a helmet (construction) take it, otherwise you will be provided on site.
4 E 'cars will be an excellent thing. Make sure your car is in good condition, because in the earthquake zone there is no breakdown of course (if the machine breaks down the left there).
E 'perfect if you already organized into groups of 3-4 people. If you're not the car organizzaremo us, so start with just one car.
you must provide in advance the Targa and the model of your car.
To access the affected areas need to be registered. In any case it will be a member of our Civil Defence to take the point control. The need to call when you are coming. This must cease until a state of emergency.
If you come from afar, it is possible to base our residence at the Theatre since the day before departure (via Pietro Nenni 17, 02047 Poggio Mirteto, Rieti - from here to get to L'Aquila are 2 -3 hours depending on travel the condition of roads). E 'and ideal to start from here by 6.30 am, as it is ideal to stay on the field
3 to 4 days, so as to have a continued experience. Let's also still available for a single day.
For those coming by train should alight at Poggio Mirteto (you must pass through the city of Rieti, but take the metro FM1 from Rome Tiburtina, Rome Ostiense or Orte).
- Move to eat. (In the volunteers can eat at the table after the evacuees, however, the volunteers of our Civil Defense, do not wait for the timing of the row are cooked in their own kitchen
field) - bring a tent.
Car owner - is not _ _
Make and model car

Surname Date of Birth Place of Birth


Anyone available can Contact: 0765 24699

numbers at Teatro

Andrea 328 1125107 380 4685062 329 0148266 Lidia
by entering the address in question
on our page. FaceBook "Theater of Adverse Conditions."
On behalf of:
"Civil Defense Base 2001"
Ternana Via 65, 02034 Montopoli Sabina (Rieti)

Theatre Adverse Conditions [or ] Compagnia del Melograno
Workshop Cultural Society and the Lower Sabine
Andrea Maurizi
Via della Torre 18-02034 Montopoli Sabina [Rieti]
328.1125107 - 0765.24699 [theater]


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