Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Creative 21st Birthday Facebook Titles


reading the national newspapers it seems that the emergence of these days is confined to 'Aquila. There is much talk of Aterno, we often hear about the area and sometimes Campotosto plateau of the Rocche. The rest is silence almost deafening. And 'as if the earthquake had explained his destructive force within the geographical boundaries defined. Yet there were also significant damage elsewhere, even, in some places are increasing in these last days. The latest shock with an epicenter around Lake Campotosto have caused several injuries and slumps in many municipalities of Teramo.

The situation is particularly delicate in Pietracamela, where people sleeping in makeshift shelters on the night of April 6. The mayor informed me that it has no curtains wide and spacious older people prefer to sleep on a bus ARPA. A tent 8 / 10 seats with 20 cots and 20 sleeping bags were purchased with a subscription by many friends and members of the subsection of the Cai Pietracamela. More details are available on the website of subsection www.caipietracamela.it

Displaced increase in Teramo from day to day, crack open any new shock, injury and causes micro-collapse. Castelli are damaged many buildings in the center, the museum of ceramics and the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, which is at risk of collapse. He holds the beautiful church of San Donato with its famous ceiling covered with ceramic tiles. We are assessing the damage to the Mother Church in the center of the country, in case of unavailability would constitute a danger to all the neighboring houses. Unable to use even the doctor's office, but fortunately the first geological surveys carried out on the ridge on which the country has shown worrying cracks.

more or less serious damage in many other municipalities in the foothills of the Gran Sasso and further downstream until Teramo and St. Nicholas in Tordino where several buildings are uninhabitable. The first surveys of the firefighters, assisted by technical teams has led to the evacuation of 180 buildings within the sole province of Teramo.
At this point, and endure the earthquake, it is hoped that the creation of COM (Joint Operations Centre) strong demand from municipalities in the foothills at the meeting on the afternoon of Easter Monday, is the first step to take note of the serious situation which is also experiencing this part of Abruzzo. The COM should lead quickly to the official recognition of the state of emergency prerequisite to enable after the reconstruction.

For those who do not know what is the COM (I had not heard about until yesterday) is an organization coordinated by the Abruzzo region, based in Montorio al Vomano which will coordinate all the institutions in that area (municipalities, provinces, prefecture), drawing on the work of many professionals have become available free of charge (architects, geologists, surveyors and engineers) will carry out a detailed census of the affected buildings.


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