Monday, April 20, 2009

Eating Disorder Recovery Hair Thicker


last week with my colleagues and Kataweb those of my wife to Rome Resources (municipal company of the municipality of Rome) have made a new crop of material for survivors of the earthquake. Richiestaci all stuff directly from the tent city of Coppito (a colleague of my wife is from there) and we brought directly to the field Saturday morning.
It 's the third time I come in Abruzzo since there was the big shock on April 6. Driving along the A24, past the tunnel of San Rocco and the toll of Tornimparte, you begin to descend towards the Aterno. The first thing you notice from the highway overpass is that the landscape has been enriched by the presence of a new color up to two weeks does not exist, and the cobalt blue of the curtains. There are blue spots a little more or less big 'everywhere, on the outskirts of the countries or within them, sometimes in large gardens near the houses.
near the exit of Aquila West highway makes a big curve to the left and passes near the industrial zone. The large parking lot near the mall where there is CONAD has now become a huge tent city, but from here on, the tents are almost everywhere and the houses were left standing are all closed, almost always with the blinds drawn.
despite the toll it is too soon there is already a bit 'in a row, they are all in line to pay the toll, the pillars of civil protection are included. The displaced people who want to make the toll free granted to them by the Parks Highway to fill a long self-certification form, almost all give up their dignity and to prevent others remain bottled in a giant traffic jam.
To go to the tent city erected in the field of sports Coppito transiting through the outskirts of the capital of Abruzzo, almost all buildings are bulging with huge cracks, appear to have been inflated to capacity until the surrender of the structures. I have the camera but I can not even think of using it, I seem to desecrate something that's already been plenty of media profiteering.
arrive at the camp and comes to us Fiore, Luke's a nice guy who lives for years here in a couple, is a soldier stationed in L'Aquila and is responsible for organizing the tent city. He tells us many things, most impressive is that they are without light, they request ten days ago but still does not arrive. They managed to do light up the table with an electric wire connected to the makeshift bar in the football field. The tents are not heated, and 500 people live there in the night it is really cold. A scout arrives, greets us warmly and Fiore tells us how much has changed his mind about them, "are helping us a lot." But generally hovers around the field a very collaborative each volunteer at the camp has a job and do it with great enthusiasm.
Download our cars, we brought the material is immediately cataloged and placed in storage containers. In doing so they reveal nothing of the dozens of people who ask with great discretion if the case had come to the sheet or single cells that had requested a few days ago. There is also a voice that asks "who by chance came the shoes?"
This shoe is one thing that left me thrilled when she got the list of things required to camp. I had also called for me to confirm, I could not believe that two weeks before the event on April 6, there were still people without shoes. And yet ...
exiting the field, going to my country and after the earthquake Teramo forgotten everything and everyone thought the lies spread by the handful from journalists on the main national media. How different was the reality seen with my own eyes than what my colleagues in the national media. Anyone who comes just for half an hour in a tent city quickly notice how everything is precarious and linked the initiative of individuals. But no journalist will ever have the courage to say so, no one will ever do hard questions, who dares to shed light even in small part on the history of earthquakes is open to criticism and fierce and immediate risks to human and professional isolation by his colleagues. The same people who prefer to do by megaphone to the claims of senior state investigations on the judiciary "Please do not waste time, try to use it on reconstruction and not after things that have happened by now."
Try to say it face to those who lost their families and their homes. Do it if you dare .


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