Thursday, June 4, 2009

What Does The Sand Do In Shuffleboard

Yesterday afternoon in L'Aquila, there was a demonstration called by the province and the city to urge greater attention to issues of reconstruction in view of the adoption of the decree on the earthquake which is expected to debate in Parliament for June 15. At the institutional level there was everyone from the mayors of the municipalities in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crater, the committees of citizens, parliamentarians and the President of the Abruzzo Province of L'Aquila Stefania Pezzopane. Stood only the absence of the President of the Abruzzo region, evidently did not understand that the political orientation in these cases is the time to leave.

Participation was not very numerous as I expected, about a thousand participants, but considering that it was a demonstration organized in a hurry behind a holiday that's okay.

The front of the local government has been compact in asking that the decree to be approved to be as comprehensive as possible in defining the unique situation of a disaster that was created on April 6. The provisional estimate of the damage even now amount to over € 10 billion, a figure that can not be dealt with mezzucci ridiculous as tax credits or income from Scratch. All agreed to hold the national fee purpose, as in the past in earthquakes that struck the Umbria and Irpinia, the only way forward.

Only in this way would avoid situations such as unpublished absurd with the creation of Citizens Class A and Class B. Abruzzo, a hit in recent years from a severe employment crisis, chose several years to convert their business model by going to the offer of a nature tourism. The region of the park is now a tourist destination for settled, based on second homes and the hotels that revolve around its many protected areas. Needless to say, identify non-residents as second-class citizens not eligible to receive a full refund in the same way those living in earthquake zones would be to give the final blow to the economy of the region.

mobilization on these and other issues is very strong even in the camps, where committees have been formed spontaneously when they meet a daily basis in the coming days despite the resistance of Civil Protection, which openly opposes the tent meetings in some of the displaced . This is an issue that casts a shadow over the organization of Bertolaso, also emerged Blog Miss Kappa few days ago.

At the end of the show we went in a procession inside the red zone, along the now infamous Via XX Settembre to stand in front of the student's home. They were very exciting moments of strong emotion. Ironically, the only walls of the building that remained standing are those on which the doors of an emergency. Those green squares with the panic hour mock mocking from rubble on which are draped with wreaths of flowers.

Tonight, I'm an instant of time, will post some pictures


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