Monday, August 30, 2010

Catch Phrases For Lip Balm

Crossing "The Fuorn - Sur En"

August 22, 2010

I just in time to recover from 9 hours of time after returning from the United States, which are already ready to start again to go to the mountains. I have not contacted friends, but on Friday morning, on time, get a phone call from Aldo asking me if I want to start the next morning for a two-day trek in the Engadine.
Mauro, my companion, he decided to go climbing in Val di Mello, and then accept the invitation.
This time we are 8 and take advantage of one of the few windows of fine weather that have opened in the summer so unpredictable (so at least I was told!) The idea was to be away three days, but the bad weather is still lurking, so Aldo has concentrated around the two-day trek. Our destination is the Lower Engadine!
arrive in Zernez Saturday morning around 9:00 and immediately take the Post Office which leads us to Stabelchod, where the trail begins that we will follow up to S-Charl.
The sky is blue and cloudless and the sun is hot.

We enter the forest along a stretch apparently flat after 15 minutes and begin the climb to the range Margunet, reachable in about forty minutes from where we can admire the high mountains surrounding the Val dal Botsch.

front of us, on the other side is clearly visible that the path we must travel, which goes on the zigzagging mountain ridge. After 2 hours of walking we reach the valley from Bosch Fourcla where we provide the lunch break.

then go down the other side along an endless scree slope that puts a severe test our knees and then a path along the hillside allows us to reach the Foss Sur where, after a second short stop, we begin the gentle descent to Plan Mingèr.

Unfortunately we arrived a little after 17:00, the bus has just left and we have to walk a stretch of paved road 3 km ., adding another 160 m. uphill to the 980 already traveled. Too bad!

Crusch Alba arrive at the hotel-shelter that's already 18:00, just in time for a refreshing shower and we sat at a table in a room of the restaurant reserved for us . Prejudiced against the Swiss (it will be because we were Italian caciaroni?) However, we must think again, because the treatment we receive is impeccable and dinner excellent and plentiful.

After a peaceful night's sleep thanks to the providential earplugs, given the "Russians" (and here no one is excluded!) We are ready to restart the next morning for the second leg of our trek . At 8:00 am when we take the path that leads up a slight incline and then Sesvenna Alp at the base of a channel of unstable rocks and gravel that rises steeply and we walk stoically until, after about three hours, the point of the Fora from Agua, beyond which we arrive from the enchanting Lajet Lischana, an incredible blue, set in a circle glacial debris that resembles a lunar landscape.

We expect another 100 m. the difference in height is to reach 2,954, the highest point of our journey, where we stop to eat what's left of our lives. In the distance we can see the white ball and, according to new horizons, we also recognize the Ortles. Just half an hour and then begin the long descent towards the valley, with short steep sections that alternate with flat or nearly so. Along some lakes reach a wide and verdant valley (Alp Sursaas) and in the distance we see the path, crossed by many bikers, which leads to the Refuge Sesvenna and that we ought to follow, thankfully downhill.

reach the path at the point in where the valley narrows between high cliffs insinuating that surround it and we realize that we have reached the Gorge of Uina. This section of the trail is completely dug into the rock and the view is spectacular on the brink. We can not help but stop and continue watching the stretch of road before us and behind us, the stream below and take a picture after another.

exiting the gorge trail and improves long and slopes gently toward Sur En, the village when we reach the valley floor that are now 17:30 8 hours after the walk (not including stops, of course). We can take the bus at 18:00, in 25 minutes brings us to the station Scuol, where we climb on the train that takes us back to Zernez.
A well deserved drink at the bar makes us forget the fatigue and gives us a new boost of energy for the long journey back home.
While I'm sitting in the car, including a chat and the other, I can not help but think that must really have a great passion for the mountains to get to be so tired and never complain and are happy to share everything with friends.
A special thanks to Aldo, who constantly and regularly undertakes to organize our outputs, but also to all other participating with great enthusiasm.

1 or day the road Ofenpass 1886 m, 1810 m, S-Charl
Time 6h 30 '- drop +1150 / -1230

Development: Bus stop 1886 m Stabelchod
; Stabelchod m 1958
                                     Margunet m 2328
                                     Val dal Botsch m 2176
; Fourcla Val dal Botsch m 2677
; ; In 2317 he Foss m
; Plan Mingèr m 1654
S-Charl m 1810

2 or day S-Charl 1810 m, 1121 m Sur En
time 8 am - drop +1150 / -1830

                   sviluppo:     S-Charl m 1810
                                      Alp Sesvenna m 2098
Fora dal'Aua m 2860
Slabs of 2856 m Lischana
; Fuorcla Rims of 2954 m
Rims of Lais 2687 m
; Alp Sursaas 2155 m
                                      Gola d’Uina
                                      Uiña Dadaint 1783 m
Donor 1499 m uiña
; Sur En 1121 m

walked with me: Graziella, Marica, Franca, Laura, Aldo, Daniel Franco.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Parts Of A Sunfish And Diagram

GEL NAILS IN: many flowers ..!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Long Term Harm Of Whippets


now no law any more, our vacation is over and we returned home .......
However, I feel a duty to make the record of our last day, just to complete our diary, we have always kept up to date daily.
's to you!

August 14, 2010

Last Day in San Francisco and last day of our vacation!
decide to visit the Haight Ashbury, the neighborhood's legendary Summer of Love, where certain habits seem to have remained unchanged.
still many hippies live here, and also several homeless people who live and sleep along the road.

arrive too early, the shops are closed and the district seems still asleep, so we just take the path leading up to the Golden Gate Park, where we take the bus that takes us to the Golden Gate Bridge.

After taking some pictures we decided to walk along it, of course, all the way (6 km return).

While we're on the bridge the fog clears, the sun peeps through the clouds and the distance we can see the "downtown" San Francisco, with its skyscrapers, the Bay Bridge and Alcatraz.

then return in the area of \u200b\u200bUnion Square where we make a trip to Macy's. A contract of 76 years of Italian origin (but when they retire here?) Recognizes our language and attack button with us. Turns out that even here, as in Italy, the climate is getting a bit 'crazy and the cold of these days it is quite unusual.
spend the evening by spending the last dollars in a restaurant, to conclude the holiday, we decided to eat "American" with a hearty steak.
Even San Francisco, New York, we liked.
E 'a city open, extravagant, eccentric and uninhibited, where reality sometimes seems to mix with fantasy. Turn down its streets is like being in places already known, thanks to the full immersion of films and TV series to which we have always submitted.
Its inhabitants, like all Americans, were a pleasant surprise for us: communicative, helpful, nonconformists and correct. Even knowing that there are other aspects of this society that leave much to be desired, we're leaving satisfied for the welcome they received, the experiences and feelings.
Bye bye America!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lancing Hematoma And Abscess

August 14, 2010

This morning we decided to take the cable car to get to Fisherman Wharf, where there is the famous Pier 39, a renovated old pier and became one of the most famous tourist attractions of San Francisco. Unfortunately the "tram" when we arrive at the terminal does not work and we tourists we are invited to take an alternative mode of transport. We decided to walk to our destination, making some stops along the route.

route is Chinatown and wander through its streets and discovered this lively and colorful neighborhood that looks like a corner of China arrived here since you do not know how.

Proceeding then to the north we come to North Beach, the Italian neighborhood that a little 'disappointed because we reduced to a row of restaurants and bars that have only the name of Italian.

A steep slope allows us to reach "The crookedest Street, the steepest street in the world, characterized by a series of turns designed specifically to reduce the slope and to facilitate the descent of car.
Even this has become a tourist attraction.

In a continuous up and down (do you remember the TV series Starsky and Hutch "on the streets of San Francisco?) Then we get down to the sea, at Pier 39, home to establish a colony of sea lions piled on each other ' else bask in the sun, almost posing to be photographed.

There are many trams running from around the world and discover that Milan has also contributed to the improvement of the transport line with one of his tram.

To return to the hotel we finally take the cable car terminus and then also seeing his change of direction, which is performed by hand on a wooden platform swivel.

The tram goes quickly, prompting cries of the passengers when throwing herself down steep descents.
And thus ends our first day in San Francisco!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Easy Little Einsteins Cake Theme


August 13, 2010
San Francisco ahead, then leave in a hurry because we have to return to Merced car at the airport by noon. As we approach the city traffic becomes more intense and I have to be careful to not take the right roads to get lost in the network of roads and highways become increasingly thick that gradually we enter areas of high population density.
Where we are now near the bay come wrapped in a thick blanket of fog that prevents us from seeing the sun above us and, almost SEZA realize, we are on the San Mateo Bridge, the long bridge that allows us to reach the peninsula on which lies between the hills, the "legendary" San Francisco.
quickly reach the airport, where riconsegnamo the car without any problems, then take a taxi to the center, and more specifically, Powell Street, close to Union Square, the nerve center of the city where you will find our hotel which, like all previous systems, does not disappoint: we are right on where it passes via the Cable Car, the quaint tram that has become a symbol of the city, and from our rooms, located on the eighth and the tenth floor, we can enjoy a beautiful view.

Now let's take a ride through the streets of downtown shivering with cold and warm up a bit 'and we go out we go to shops where escapes even some shopping .

In the late afternoon the fog begins to roll back the city's tallest buildings are only partially visible, giving an appearance inconsistent with everything around us.
How strange! We started this trip complaining about the heat and now they are here to complain about the cold .....

Diablo 2 Unable To Find Bnclient.dll

Sass de Stria SOUTH EDGE

VIA COBERTALDO first climber: A. Colbertaldo, L. Pezzotti
01/08/1939 Name: Colbertaldo

Top: Sasso di Stria

Zone: Sass de Stria

Height: 2477 m Height difference: 200 mt

Time: 2-3 hours Difficulty: III, IV, IV + 1p

Material: Nails on site support on rings cemented

Starting point: small clearing near a large boulder at the edge of the road that goes up to Falzarego Valparola Pass at an altitude of 2150 m approx.

The way it develops, for the most part, along the SE edge air, visible from Falzarego, and leaves the peak for a series of chimneys and cracks in the east wall. Good rock.

From the street, to trace the path, it goes down to a valley and then follows a track that rises more markedly to the left along the base of the rocks. Winding up with some steep grassy slope with mountain pines takes you under the vertical edge (red stamp clearly visible even from the past), at the mouth of a short rocky gully. Attachment 1C (ca. 30 min).


1. Replace the gully and, at its end, oblique left up to a pulpit in a short vertical dihedral. Stopping on an. cem. (About 25 m; II).

2. how to shoot 3

3. Go up the dihedral, very smooth top (IV), and proceed directly along the edge with aerial climbing up to a clear yellowish plaque. Stops on excellent rings hardened (approx. 80 m, III, III +, lp. IV, 3 4C).

4. But right cross 4 5 (1C) aiming for a slot fire that follows (1 C) to bend then turn left onto easy rock (1C) to a slot on the top edge. Stopping on an. cem. (Approx. 35 m, 111; 3C).

5. Continue to the right to a large strainer that closes up the chimney and emerged left cengetta debris. Stop at 1C (ca. 40 m, II, III).

6. Go directly to a few feet and then navigate to the right to enter into a deep rift in Step East, beyond which a ledge and a short chimney with lead blocks under the end wall, characterized by a dihedral crack and a steep gully gravel. Stop on blocks (approx. 40 m; II, LP. III).

7. Climb the crack dihedral, smooth top and vertical (IV +, 1C), reassembling it completely up to the easy rocks below the summit cross. Stopping on an. cem. (Ca. 25 m, IV +, IV, 2C). NB: The difficult dihedral crack can be avoided by going up the easy groove gravel on the right (approx. 30 m; pp.I).

takes place along the easy ridge north (red marks), to trace the path and sometimes rocky short jump (pp. I), reaching the trenches and steps of the Great War. Reached forte'Ntra 'iSass Valparola Pass, 2197 m, in short, following the road, back to the starting square (approx 45 min).

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What Age To Touch Tits

August 12, 2010

The only bears that he heard last night was Giuseppe, who got up at 2:00 to go in the bathroom, with Graziella who was the sentry at the door of tent, located right next to our good fortune to the "restroom".
The noise, he said, was that of someone rummaging in bins of metal, probably to get some food.
that the bears are come to visit us when we had the confirmation, in the morning, close to our tents we see signs of turmoil: chairs overturned, towels thrown on the ground .....
However, beyond the "snoring" of someone, we slept really well, even better than other nights when we were most comfortable, maybe because the place is so peaceful, quiet and relaxing .....
As usual, we move quickly to avoid traffic, always present, in the busiest hours in the park.
arrive at Glacier Point, a rocky real balcony overlooking the valley of Yosemite, where we expect a breathtaking view. In front of us the Yosemite Falls, now reduced to a trickle, while in the background are outlined majestic peaks of the Sierra Nevada, among which, as always, the majestic Half Dome.

Yosemite Valley
Yosemite Falls

Even the Half Dome

then we head towards the southern exit of the park to visit Mariposa Grove, home to ancient giant sequoias, like the Grizzly Giant, which is still standing after 2700 years. To see him go nacessario is a 3 km loop, which allows you to switch among several other "giants."

We continue our trip to Merced and spend the night waiting to leave for San Francisco, where returning our "glorious" car, which has accompanied us for about 4,000 km.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Harley Ultra Handlebars Look Crooked


August 10, 2010

Even this morning we get up early because we want to tour around before leaving Mammoth. Take the car and after a few km we reach an area full of lakes and frequented by a lot of fishermen.
We do some stops to enjoy the scenery and then we proceed to enter Yosemite from the Tioga Road.

easily reach the Tioga Pass and then the green meadow of Meadow Tuolomne , where we stop to admire the domes of granite mountains that surround the area, most notably in the distance, the Half Dome.

I km. forward are not many, but often because we stop at every corner there is something to be discovered: in addition to 'Half Dome, symbol of the Park, Tenaya Lake, the Capitan, myth of each climber, the Merced River .....


Again I can not help but think that here everything is multiplied by PER2, for 3 to 4, from 10 ........ landscapes with a glass of coca cola or coffee, to the giant trees from the streets, from cars to the size of people!
arrive at Curry Village, which is still early, but we do check-in, even if we have to move later to take the keys. So let us take the shuttle bus that takes us to Yosemite Village, where we stroll and visit the museum dedicated to the life and culture of the Paiute Indians who inhabited this area before the arrival of European settlers.
It is now 5:00 am when we decide to pick up the keys of our house, because this time the house is, even if it consists of a simple tent mounted on a wooden base, complete with a door, and within 2 beds as well as a shelf equipped with a safe.

Graziella, strengthened by the fact that "Unity is strength" is proposed to stay together, it is fearful that some bears may come to visit us, after considering the recommendations of the rangers who continually call for caution. However
stow the little food we have and everything in bins that smell-proof Bear and prepare our bed.
spend the evening in the village, affollattissimo of people despite the low lighting (no electricity is wasted here) and after dinner we grabbed a few rocking chairs placed under a wooden porch that is so far west, with his eyes toward heaven as a star so you can not, trying to spot some shooting star (is the night of San Lorenzo or not?), while the notes of the song " What a Wonderful World "by Frank Sinatra accompany our lounge.
We are just at ease and we wonder who can never feel better about us
August 9, 2010
last a day without clouds and rain!
After the usual breakfast (plenty for someone and sober for someone else) we move to Mammoth Lakes, located just over 300 km.
This is also a stage of transfer, which will take us to the gates of Yosemite, the park will be visiting in the coming days and the last scheduled before San Francisco.

The road we travel is a long ribbon of asphalt that runs through the desert first, then gets up mountain passes to reach an altitude of 2,200 meters height where the rare shrubs finally give way to trees. We thus come to California and in less than no time we reach Mammoth Lakes, at the foot of the mountains and major ski resort in winter, but also places very lively in the summer.

spend the afternoon doing a bit 'to the shops and marvel at the prices of footwear and clothing are cheaper than ours, then we take
the trolley to reach the center of town where we walk, but it's cold and so we decide to return to our mansion.

a bit tomorrow morning patrol 'the area ....