Monday, August 9, 2010

Tamagotchi Symbian S60


August 8, 2010

leave our motel and begin the long stage transfer (440 km.) That will lead us to Beatty, Nevada, on the way to Yosemite.
Our motel in Springdale
Even this morning we get up in the rain , which fortunately does not last long and allows us to load our luggage without having to use the umbrella.

The journey is not heavy, because the traffic is almost nonexistent and quiet ride, since the car does everything by itself ..... or almost!

After 250 km of road still come close to Las Vegas in the distance and recognize its vast hotel, then proceed north through a wilderness that gives you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat can be Death Valley, near which we are, but we have no plans to visit, given the extreme conditions that characterize (arid and desert where the temperature consistently exceeds 40 ° in the shade, which unfortunately is not).

The road we travel ....
complete with motorhome towing a car

We must pull our clocks back one hour because there is a change of zone, and then we come to Beatty's early, but despite the check-in is at 3: 00 we assign the same two rooms of the usual anonymous chain Motel 6, not too big, but clean. The rest for 44 € per night per room we can not complain!
the Nevada desert
Beatty is a fascinating country without
"in the middle of nowhere"
, in the mountains overlooking the valley
Despite being close to the border with California, is located in Nevada and then there are a number of casinos frequented by Truckers step.
The heat is less stifling after all what we expected, partly because the place is ventilated.

Tomorrow leaving for Mammoth Lakes.


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