Friday, August 6, 2010

Debit Card Spending Limits


August 5, 2010
for Tropic, along one of the most beautiful Scenic Byways in the United States, a winding road that goes up and down, through forests of pine and birch then, skirts and bold cliffs at some point along a steep ridge in the middle of the vacuum.

We are at 3,000 m. high ....
One of the many canyons

The road beneath us

More Time Incoming ...

in my browser as I scan with attention to the road and everything around us, checking meticulously the route on the map and is just as fulfill this task, at some point, I see the forest through the trees a deer that is still watching!

Meanwhile the sun begins to break through the clouds and little by little the weather improves significantly.
arrive in Tropic shortly after noon in front of our motel and we see a sign that draws our attention: THE PIZZA PLACE! We leave the luggage in the room and in less than no time we cross the doors of this restaurant, where we order 3 pizzas and a pasta dish, but instead we get three pasta dishes and a pizza.
Giuseppe and I, though muted, defer and accept the change willingly, but in the end the waitress recognizes his mistake and does not make us pay for two meals brought to us by mistake.

Sti Americans!
We decide to spend the afternoon resting and relaxing in the garden of our motel, which has nothing to envy to that of yesterday.

Typical building Tropic
Our hotel room

A warm greetings to all those who follow us!


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